Luxury Vacations in the Czech Republic
Climb the spiral stairsteps of the Powder Gate Tower in Prague and rooftops and spires stretch out in all directions. Is there a city quite as much of a picturebook page-turner as the Czech capital?
The twin pinnacles of Tyn Church like Gothic spaceships, the sugar-almond colors of the Old Town Square buildings, the higgledy-piggledy medieval streets and statue-lined Charles Bridge. Constant architectural surprise; a sweetshop of ideas. Up above on the hill, keeping a watchful eye, the monumental Castle. All soundtracked by the rattle and hum of trams under archways and soothed by the soft flow of the River Vltava. Prague is the focal point for many but a short journey through forest-thick countryside will take you to the less-visited yet just-as-beautiful towns of South and West Bohemia. Cesky Krumlov for rafting down the river and exploring old-town streets; Marianske Lazne for its faded grandeur and spa waters. Czechia is charismatic, independently minded and full of hidden secrets.